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Sample projects with MIT D-Lab / International Development Innovation Network and Berkeley College of Engineering

Zimba Chlorine Dispenser in India

Developed, tested and implemented a device that 1) connects directly to community water sources, such as hand pumps and rainwater harvesting tanks, and 2) automatically dispenses sodium hypochlorite solution, with precision up to 0.1mL, to disinfect batches of drinking water. Units have been installed and serviced to provide chlorinted water to thousands of people in West Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka, and also Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Arsenic Remediation in Cambodia

Translated lab research that removes arsenic through electrocoagulation to field prototypes tested in Cambodia and Bangladesh. Advised by Dr. Ashok Gadgil at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Harnessing Energy from Daily Tasks


Leveraged daily work done with tools and equipment such as treadle pumps to generate electricity that can power LED lights, charge mobile phones, or be stored in batteries. Designed at the MIT International Development Design Summit with a team from Zambia, India and the UK.

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